Setting yourself up for success

Clear and realistic goals

At Lang and Barrett International, we believe you must set clear and realistic goals to create a genuinely achievable financial plan. Our goals-based financial planning process provides you with the confidence that all areas of your financial life have been thoroughly considered and accounted for. Only then can you have the peace of mind that the right actions are being taken to guide you closer to the future you want to create and protect.

The purpose of our multi-stage planning process is to accomplish the following:


Several studies have shown that asset allocation is a leading driver of portfolio returns. Lang and Barrett International uses advanced techniques to construct portfolios that deliver optimum returns within your accepted risk profile. We draw together our asset allocation recommendations utilizing a mix of strategic, thematic, and tactical interpretations based on our understanding of economic factors and your needs, requirements, and goals.

Lang and Barrett International offers a comprehensive range of conventional and alternative investments, including commodities, private equity, real estate, derivatives, hedge funds, specialty niche opportunities, and strategies that offer access to new and unique opportunities outside conventional markets. These investments support the uniqueness of the portfolios we create to address individual needs, requirements, and goals. Our strategies help you conserve and grow wealth, combat inflation, and boost your buying power.

Financial independence

As people live longer and healthier lives, having to stop working at 60 or 65 due to illnesses associated with old age is no longer the norm. Many continue working well beyond traditional retirement ages, especially if they own a business.

Retirement now means reaching a stage in life when you have the financial independence to live life the way you want without relying on income from employment to pay your bills or becoming a burden on other family members.

How much money you need to achieve complete independence in retirement depends on several factors, some of which are beyond your control. Some can be determined by you, to an extent, such as how much you spend every month, but, as we have seen, inflation can quickly take large pieces out of what may have previously been considered a good retirement pot.

Risk management & insurance

Risk is an inevitable part of anything that is worth doing, especially investing. While risk can never be entirely avoided, some measures can be taken to help lessen its effects, such as diversification and utilizing a range of different investment types.

There are also insurance products that can be selectively used to mitigate risk. Not everyone needs all types of insurance, and no two clients are in the exact same situation, so we make recommendations based on individual needs. As we do not sell insurance or receive commissions, you can rest assured that we only provide objective advice about the coverage you need to protect yourself and your family. Additionally, some forms of insurance planning are so complex that outside experts are involved.

Together, these and other measures help protect your assets during volatile times and downturns in individual sectors, as we have experienced in the last few years.

Potential risk areas include:

Estate planning

Our wealth team goes the extra mile to understand exactly what you want to achieve and determine how your assets will be bequeathed after you are gone. Estate planning at Lang and Barrett International encompasses far more than simply having an up-to-date will. It includes your legacy and organizing the efficient transfer of your assets to the next generations.

Legacy planning

A legacy is more than the transfer of assets; it is passing down your core values, morals, and experiences to future generations to create an enduring connection with them. A legacy enables the next generations of your family to adopt and adapt these traits to ensure their lives are meaningful or can pass on a passion for charitable giving.